
If you’ve come to our Summer Festival, or one of our other year-round events, and want to know how to follow Jesus, you’ve come to the right place! This page aims to help you start your journey well. If you have any feedback, or would like to talk to someone, do let us know by clicking the button below.
I Made A Decision To Follow Jesus


We believe that God created us for relationship, wanting us to know life to the full (John 10:10). Sin and brokenness have separated us from God (Rom. 3:23, 6:23). Even our best efforts aren’t enough to save us, but God has not left us alone. He sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to restore our relationship with God. 

Jesus lived here on earth with love, authority, and power (see the Gospel stories). He died on the cross for our sin and salvation, rising from the dead after three days. To all who trust and follow him, he offers a new identity as sons and daughters of God. He forgives us of our sin and brokenness, gives us power through his Spirit, and offers us a community of faith in the church. 

The most beautiful adventure of our lives is to find purpose, meaning, and hope as we walk with the God who loves us. His name is Jesus, the God who is with us (Isaiah 9:6). 


If you’ve decided to follow Jesus, all of heaven rejoices with you (Luke 15:7) and so do we! We would love to connect you with a local church and hear the story of how you met Jesus. Fill in this form to connect with us! If you still have questions don’t let that stop you from reaching out, we would love to join you on your journey.  


Accepting the gift of grace from Jesus is the first step on the Adventure of Faith. You are now invited to live according to the way of Jesus. This journey begins with 3 simple actions: Pray, Read, and Visit. 

I’ve Decided To Follow Jesus! What Do I Do Now?


We believe that the God who loves us both speaks and listens. Prayer is simply starting a conversation with Him. There is no magic formula to prayer, there are examples in Scripture but there is no ‘wrong way’ to do it. The best way to pray is to just start talking to God. Tell him about your day, ask him questions, listen for a response. You are not talking to empty space or some distant being who is too busy to listen. You are having a conversation with the universe-creating being who bankrupted heaven to have a relationship with you. Think about God like a friend. The way you develop a better friendship is through spending time, sharing experiences, and having conversations. The same principle applies to God. If you need a framework or a model to help you start this conversation with God, check out the Lectio 365 app from 24/7 Prayer. 


We believe the Bible is God’s Word, his love letter to humanity. Throughout the story of the Bible, we learn who God is and how he interacts with humanity. If you are unfamiliar with the Bible a great place to start is with the Gospel of John, which is a biography of the life of Jesus written by an eyewitness to his life—to find where this book is found in the Bible take a look at the table of contents at the front of your Bible and go to the page next to the title ‘John’. If you don’t have a physical Bible, download the Bible App or watch The Bible Project videos, which are free on YouTube. Reading the Bible should not be a heavy burden. In the same way prayer is the result of relationship, reading the Bible is another way to get to know God better. The more time you spend with God, the better you will know him. 


Wherever you live, there’s a community of people who gather, most likely on a Sunday, to explore faith together. You might know that as the church, which is the word we use for the family of God gathered. Gathering with other believers is another important aspect of your relationship with God. We are not forced to live life isolated from others. In fact, we are encouraged to go through life with people. When you look at the life of Jesus you see he shared his life with a group of close friends, and we are invited to do the same. The church is meant to be that place where we develop community and deep friendship, encouraging, supporting, and challenging one another. Ask your friends where they go to church, and if you need help finding a church, visit for a list of churches near you or reach out to us by filling out this form and we will try to connect you with a church.  

Our friends at the Bible Project have lots of great videos that help explain the bible. Check out this one on the Gospel of John.