
Nick Crawley


Nick worked for Barclays Bank for six years, before training for the ordained Anglican ministry at Wycliffe Hall. He then served as a curate at St Stephen’s Church, East Twickenham in London where he and Lucy met and were married. They have four boys. From 1993 to 1999 Nick was Rector of a large Anglican church in central Harare, Zimbabwe. They then moved to a small inner-city parish in central Sheffield for five years. Since September 2004 Nick has been licensed by the Bishop of Bristol to lead Crossnet, an Anglican Network Church which self-defines as a community for Discipleship and Mission. Nick is strongly committed to the ministries of the Word and the Spirit. His main focus of ministry is developing the ‘Bible for Life’ ministry with its associate discipling and coaching ministry. Lucy completed her doctorate in Systematic Theology in 2011 and since 2013 has served as Principal of Westminster Theological Centre. Nick enjoys golf, photography and walking their dog Max. 

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