
Simon Guillebaud


Simon Guillebaud lives in Bath and spends much of his time preaching around the country in churches and schools after spending twenty years living and working in extreme circumstances in a central African (now post) warzone. Burundi is a country which has been torn apart by ethnic conflict for decades. In 2003, he set up Great Lakes Outreach (, which works with local organizations for the transformation of the nation. He has experienced some extraordinary things, often nearly getting killed in ambushes, receiving death threats, exposing corruption, and seeing the Lord move in powerful ways. He has a fruitful preaching ministry, seeing many people come to faith on a regular basis. His style is authentic, inspiring and deeply challenging. The stories he shares are a mixture of desperately grim and miraculously stirring. Do not come if you aspire to a safe and conventional Christianity. Simon shares his and others’ amazing stories, hoping to inspire people to be similarly radical and passionate in living out the adventure of living which Jesus calls each one of us to. He and his wife Lizzie were awarded MBEs by the Queen in 2018 for services to Burundi.

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