
Vivienne Onamusi


Vivienne Onamusi is a 24 year old final year dental student from Plymouth, UK. Having grown up in Zimbabwe and moving to back to England as a teenager she found the blessing of being able to relate to people from various walks of life.  Although she grew up in a Christian household she didn’t come to know Jesus until university. After what she likes to call her “Damascus moment” she realised how many young people (inc. herself) NEEDED to do life with Jesus. Her heart’s desire is to see the younger generation come to know God in a life changing way,  to see their hearts set on fire for God and for them to live radical lives that sow seeds for the lost to find their way back to Jesus. Day-to-day, you’ll often find her in a set of scrubs doing her tooth fairy duties, but outside of academia she absolutely loves being able to serve God through her local church, St Matts, Plymouth where she serves on the Student and Cafe Teams.

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