
Christmas with Creation Fest

We loved being live with you this summer throughout Creation Fest On Air so much so that we’ve filmed a Christmas special called Christmas with Creation Fest!

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Creation Fest On Air

This year, we’re gutted that we won’t be meeting together in a field in Cornwall. But instead, we’re planning to take our special brand of Creation Fest fun online, creating a series of TV-style shows that will take the best of what Creation Fest has to offer – and all that makes it unique – and condense it into six, half-hour (ish!) episodes to be aired weekly throughout July-August 2020.

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What's Next

A Response to COVID-19

As a team at Creation Fest, we are in daily prayer for the wide implications of the COVID-19 virus.

In line with the current UK government and World Health Organisation guidance, at present we are still planning to gather together to celebrate the good news of the God who loves us from 1-7 August, 2020. Read more…

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Team Praying

A willing heart

We give of our time, our resource, our creativity and our energy with willing joy because this is what Jesus has already done for us, and He is forever inviting us to enter into the work He has done.

In this post, we explore why we volunteer, and how we discover together the adventure of the God who is making all things new.

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An Extraordinary Week

All year long, we plan and pray for an extraordinary week. Of course, this is our prayer for Creation Fest every year, but when you name it and say it out loud, not just as your prayer for the week but your theme for it also, it feels doubly weighty, of increased significance.

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