
Celebrate Christmas with Creation Fest.

A one episode Creation Fest On Air-style show coming to your screens this Christmas.

We loved being live with you this summer throughout Creation Fest On Air so much so that we’ve filmed a Christmas special called Christmas with Creation Fest!

Tell me more…

Christmas with Creation Fest is a 25 minute programme jam packed with carols and messages airing at 8pm on Thursday 17 Dec on our Facebook page and YouTube Channel. The show will also be available to watch any time afterwards on all three platforms.

Guests include London Community Gospel ChoirScott Cunningham, Patrick Gilbert and Brian Brodersen.

Who is it for?

Just like our festival, Christmas with Creation Fest has something for everyone. We hope that it will entertain, inspire and encourage you at this time. And we’d love you to share it with your friends, family, work colleagues and neighbours, whether they know Jesus, are on the fringes of Church community, curious about faith or have none at all! With more people than ever before asking the big questions, looking for meaning and exploring faith, there’s never been a better time to creatively communicate the good news of the God who loves us with those around us.

What’s Next?

So, you’ve heard the invitation to know the God who loves us and you’re wondering… what’s next? Click here to find out more about how to start your faith journey, read the Bible, find a Christian community or talk to God